3 Education Topics to Innovate in 2020

As we gear up for a new year (and new decade!) at The EdVenture Group in 2020, we’re excited to enhance our efforts and programming in a variety of growing focus areas within the nation’s education landscape.

Family Engagement

With the growth of our West Virginia Family Engagement Center programming, we’re excited to strengthen our efforts around fostering safe and supportive environments for students throughout the state. Our WVFEC efforts provide opportunities for practitioners and parents to practice in SEAMless Family Engagement by:


  1. Supporting their student’s learning and development,

  2. Encouraging positive self image and a “can do” spirit in WV youth,

  3. Advocating for improved learning opportunities for WV students, and

  4. Modeling lifelong learning & enthusiasm for education.

Entrepreneurship Education

As the rise of technology significantly influences the future of work for today’s generation of students, the education system is rethinking what it means to graduate “prepared” students. Traditional K-12 systems, meet our new focus on entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship education teaches students how to identify, frame, and solve problems to create value for others.

"In today's world, everyone needs to be entrepreneurial. Not entrepreneurial in the sense of starting a for-profit business but in the sense of fighting tirelessly to improve your world through your skills, passions, perseverance, audacity, and community support."

Blended Learning

We’re rethinking traditional instructional methods by infusing technology into our educational programming. Our student leadership programs are now offered in a hybrid approach, with in-person executive education style workshops and sustained online courses with actionable outcomes – mirroring industry professional development efforts. Our executive leadership programs are integrating virtual summits and teams as accountability pods to execute innovative projects throughout the state. Even as an organization, we’re shifting to an era of virtual communication and collaboration, holding weekly meetings virtually and utilizing collaborative program management software to streamline our processes. How can you shift your classrooms to a more blended approach to learning?

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Suite 1205 Two Waterfront Place
Morgantown, WV 26501

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